The SYSTEM for stimulating and supporting the scientific activity of academic staff, master students and doctoral students of the Baltic International Academy

The Baltic International Academy has developed a System for stimulating and supporting the scientific activities of academic staff, doctoral students and students. This system corresponds to the main purpose of scientific activity reflected in the Law on Scientific Activity: “to strengthen … the care of science as a particularly important factor of social development” (the Law on Scientific Activity, article 2).

The system of stimulation and support of scientific activity includes several tasks:

  • boosting the interest of scientific and academic staff, doctoral students and students in the development of their scientific potential, the effectiveness of scientific activity, which should be expressed in priority attention to the publication of research results in scientific publications indexed in the databases Scopus, Web of Science, ERICH+;
  • increasing the interest of scientific and academic staff in strengthening the interaction of scientific activity, content, methodology of the disciplines read, scientific and teaching communication with doctoral students and students, in the creation and development of scientific directions and scientific schools of the Academy;
  • strengthening scientific communication of academic staff, doctoral students and students both within the Academy and between the BIA and other universities and higher schools of Latvia and the world through the organization of joint scientific conferences, participation in scientific conferences at Latvian universities and abroad, preparation of research projects, conclusion of agreements on joint scientific activities and training programs with other universities;
  • development of infrastructure for scientific research (scientific laboratories, research institutes, library, audio and video collections of scientific works, etc.);
  • development of cluster of scientific journals BMA (Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija; Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, Journal Tourist Territory & Cultural Heritage);
  • promotion of information on scientific research and development of scientific schools in the Academy in the media of Latvia.

The provisions of the System of stimulation and support of scientific activity are differentiated according to the scientific degrees and positions of the scientific and academic staff of the Academy. At the same time, this System contributes to the professional development of scientific and academic staff, doctoral students and students of bachelor’s and master’s programs.

The system of stimulating and supporting scientific activity is open to suggestions for improvement from the academic staff, doctoral students and students of the Baltic International Academy.

According to the “Regulations on the organization of remuneration and types of teaching load for academic staff and visiting lecturers at the Baltic International Academy” (approved on 25.08.2016. at the meeting of the BIA Senate: protocol No. 127), the promotion of scientific activity includes:

  1. Organization and сonducting of international conferences.

An international scientific conference is a conference with a minimum participation of representatives of 5 countries, including at least 3 representatives of the EU countries.

Nr. Event Restrictions Load accounting
B.2.1. Organization and сonducting of conferences

Organization and сonducting of international student conferences.

No more than 3 persons / conferences 20 acad. hours per event
B.2.2. Supervising the work of a student participating in the conference. No more than 10 works 2 acad. hours for 1 student
B.2.3. Reviewing the work of a student participating in the conference. No more than 10 works 0.3 akad. рours for the work of 1 student
  1. Publication of scientific papersin the Web of Science, SCOPUS, and ERIH + databases.
Publication type Conditions Limiting the number of publications for one university teacher Remuneration (payment) for one publication, gross
Scientific article or conference proceedings in an international (peer-reviewed) edition. If the author officially represents BIA

Web of Science, SCOPUS


Three publications per year. Not more. EUR 250 (EUR 750 for 3 publications)
  1. Writing, editing and reviewing scientific, educational and methodological materials from 2 to 5 acad. hours(it is taken into account when calculating the academic load of the teacher).
  2. Stimulating the scientific activity of the BIA faculty also includes:
    • the opportunity to use the resources of the Erasmus+ program to deliver lectures at European universities;
    • BIA financial resources to pay for participation in international scientific conferences.
  1. Stimulating the scientific activity of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of the BIA includes:
    • undergraduates and doctoral students of BIA are provided with benefits for payment for participation in BIA scientific conferences;
    • undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students are covered by the financial resources of the Erasmus+ program to improve their scientific training at European universities and establish scientific communication with scientists from foreign countries.
