European Studies

European Studies

Advantages of the program

Master's degree holders can successfully continue European Studies in doctoral's programs in Latvia and beyond, specializing in the selected specific directions of European Studies.

In-depth study directions of the program

EU Policy, International Relations.

Acquired skills

The implementation of the program has led to the preparation of specialists focusing on the European Union's political courses, its internal and external and security policies, the problems of EU integration and institutional development, thus becoming competitive specialists not only locally but also internationally, it is also able to participate in EU policy development by analysing the common EU policy and by comparing the policy courses developed in EU institutions with the specifics, interests and opportunities of Latvia, by developing adequate policy implementation decisions in Latvia.

Career opportunities

Specialists of European studies are expected to have a wide field of nature in foreign institutions - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, departments of Foreign Relations of ministries, various public and business organizations, research institutes and firms. The obtained specialty provides an opportunity to work as advisers in political institutions of different levels, as well as as as consultants, analysts and officials.

Program Content

The content of the program consists of courses such as analysis of the development of the European idea, current problems of political theory, methodology of comparative politics, EU policy and decision-making, European integration and current problems in Latvia, quantitative analysis of EU policy. Elective courses form special knowledge related to the problems of European politics and the development of the political course of the European Union, the integration of Latvia into the EU, as well as the problems of international relations between the EU and other countries. These include courses such as the political economy of EU integration, economic aspects of EU social policy, globalization and glocalization, EU constitutional law, analysis of EU-US relations, analysis of EU-Russia relations, analysis of EU-Eurasian relations, and social technology for managing society.


Program Direktor prof. Vladislav Volkov
Lomonosova 1/4 – Room 202, Rīga, LV-1019
Phone: +371 67100229
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Hours:
Tuesday: 14:00 - 15:30
Thursday: 16:00-17:30